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Big Box Change

The title of this blog post can be correctly read either way: (i) this is a big change to our boxes, and (ii) this change is only to our biggest...

The title of this blog post can be correctly read either way: (i) this is a big change to our boxes, and (ii) this change is only to our biggest boxes for now!

We are moving away from our wood boxes. We know around 1-in-3 of you will be super disappointed to hear that, and it's an "end-of-an-era" feeling for us too, but we're really excited about these new boxes and we think you'll love them too!

About a third of our customers find the wood boxes hard to deal with: the sliding lid is hard to open for some of you, and others note the boxes are hard to keep closed once open.

We've also gotten a lot of requests for a larger box image, which we couldn't make work with the wood boxes.

Collectors have asked us for labeling on both the short and long sides of the box so they could shelve them either way. 

Lastly, the last few years our box supplier has been steadily raising prices on us while also sending us more poorly-made boxes we have to toss out, and while we've worked hard not to pass those problems onto you guys, it's been a troubling hit to our ability to stay profitable. 

The new boxes help with all of the above issues, and are about as robust as our wood boxes.

The new boxes are a traditional-style puzzle boxes with telescoping lids. 

They are made of the best most robust cardboard we could find, and we are pleased that they really are rather nice boxes. 

At first, this change will only affect our newest big puzzles with around 500 pieces or more.

You'll see the box photo and box description for each puzzle, so you can tell ahead of time.

As we run down our inventory, more of the big puzzles will get switched to these new boxes.

We expect to eventually switch the 250-500 piece puzzles into similar boxes, but it might be a couple of years before we completely run-out of the 2" wood box size for those. 

Our sincere apologies to those who hate this change! 


3 comments on Big Box Change
  • Jennifer L. Carson
    Jennifer L. CarsonFebruary 04, 2025

    I am thrilled. I’ve always found the wood boxes a challenge and even got a splinter from one once. So I’m jazzed! I think the new box looks spiffier than the wood ones. I know you guys loved the wood, but I just wanted you to know some folk will definitely embrace it…like me!

  • Terry Busch
    Terry Busch February 03, 2025

    Love the idea of labeling puzzle on sides/ends for retrieving puzzle from storage. I’ve got quite a collection from COVID days and that labeling would really help finding them to share and redo!

  • Marcelyn Smale
    Marcelyn SmaleJanuary 31, 2025

    Is there any possibility of giving buyers a choice? Perhaps people who wanted wood boxes would be willing to pay a small surcharge for the privilege. It would give the company a way to pay for better quality boxes and let customers have the box they want for a few more years. (Personally, I look forward to cardboard boxes.)

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