Artifact Puzzles - Yuri Gorbachev Two Cats Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 84.00


This is a 314-piece puzzle of "Two Cats" by contemporary Russian-American artist Yuri Gorbachev. The puzzle design by David Figueras is square-ish pieces and a straight edge, with multi-piece whimsies inspired by the artwork. It's a kind-of hard puzzle, especially if you don't look at the box. Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in USA.

10" by 13.5"


Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Laura in MA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Lots of fun! Not as easy as you might think, as the various colors and patterns repeat in different places, and there wasn't much clue from the puzle shapes.
Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: A wonderfully bright puzzle with a tricky cut. The way the pieces went in on an angle made this beauty enough of a challenge to be fun without being annoying hard.
Name: Helen
Review: Two Cats rewards a focused and persistent puzzle solver! Small chess-themed connectors in a subtle strip-cut design create challenge where the straight-edge and bright, distinct colors made me think this puzzle was easier than it was. Requires attention to detail in the small variations in the connectors and to find the groups of the mixed color pieces that are related to each other. Russian themed whimsy pieces (some multi-piece) are small and clever, but the main pleasure of this puzzle is getting into the focus and flow of a subtle design overall.
Name: Hronir Jones
Review: I picked this one thinking it would be a piece of cake for me to do on my own, and when you see it maybe you'll think so too at first - mostly square pieces and a straight edge and plenty of whimsies. Well, you might be wrong - I was! It's a chaos of colors, and I had to chuck my usual strictness about not looking at the image on the box out the window to even get this rolling. The whimsies are great as usual, but many of them don't make any sense until you get them together - and then they are brilliant. Overall it took me two weeks of working a few minutes at a time to finish this, and I spent so much time with this and am feeling a bit lonely so I named the two cats (Mashka and Ivan) and am leaving the puzzle out for a while because how can I take apart Mashka and Ivan? It's a good feeling seeing it and knowing I finished it, but next time someone please warn me if a puzzle looks this easy but isn't!