Artifact Puzzles - Iwona Lifsches Jazzy Night Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00


This is a 405 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Iwona Lifsches' "Jazzy Night". 

The puzzle design by Jef Bambas has a regular measure of right-angled pieces with knob connectors, and licks of jazzy whimsies. This puzzle is average hard, EXCEPT there are some extra pieces that will build a couple 3D skyscrapers (see product photos), you can figure those out yourself or use these photo instructions.

Like all our puzzles, this is laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood and packaged in our standard unfinished pine wood box. Made in USA.

11.25" by 16"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Mary in IN - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: The 3-D buildings were an interesting and challenging addition! Fun puzzle with lots of jazz musician whimsies.
Name: Melinda, CA
Review: I was so confused with the natural wooden pieces at first. Another fun puzzle in itself!
Name: Jennifer, FL
Review: Interesting puzzle with shapes that do not make finding edges pieces easy! Not sure the 3D enhancement is an enhancement. Once you get the hang of how pieces go, the puzzle goes quickly.
Name: Erin, CA
Review: The blue sky was challenging but there's not too much of it! Bright, fun design. We liked the 3D elements.
Name: martha, Ca
Review: Harder than it looks with small pieces and the blue sky is a challenge, however worth the effort, enjoyed very much.