Artifact Puzzles - Bikaner Elephants Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This is a 170 piece puzzle of a 17th century Indian Mughal miniature showing a royal party capturing elephants (see alternate picture for details). The puzzle design by Tara Flannery and Jim Muller has a Cairo-pentagonal grid of pieces with a smattering of elephanty whimsies. The puzzle is extra hard because the connectors are not unique - you have to pay attention to the rich image detail to put it together correctly. This puzzle has a straight edge. Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a small box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

  • 170 pieces
  • 11" x 8.75"
  • laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up
  • IS IT A GIFT? Write who it's from in the Company line of the shipping address (up to 30 characters), e.g. From Uncle Sam

    Write a Review

    Name: Rebecca, MA
    Review: I love the images in this puzzle. It's small, which I like, so I can move along to the next puzzle in my to-do pile.
    Name: Suzanne, MA
    Review: I don't know why it says hard.
    Name: Claire, NE
    Review: very unique connectors
    Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
    Review: An amazing puzzle all around. The elephant whimseys are adorable. Pretty easy puzzle overall even with the non unique connectors. A must have for puzzle and elephant lovers.
    Name: Thomas P. In Durban
    Review: Entrancing: the connectors come in five different fancy shapes, but all the ones of the same shape are the same, adding a bit of challenge, but it's not really very hard due to the charming elephant pieces. I usually do Wentworth puzzles, but the ones from this company are superior, just wish they were easier ahold of.