Artifact Puzzles - Iwona Lifsches Santa Claus Delivery Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This is a 158 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring Iwona lifsches', "Santa Claus Delivery." Designed by Matt Lyon, this puzzle contains many festive whimsies, a straight edge, and a whole lot of holiday spirit. Get cozy next to the fire with your hot chocolate and enjoy this jolly good time of a puzzle. This puzzle has a straight edge.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a small blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

8.25" by 8"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

IS IT A GIFT? Write who it's from in the Company line of the shipping address (up to 30 characters), e.g. From Uncle Sam

Write a Review

Name: Jeffrey in NJ - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Nice break from large challenging puzzles
Name: Michael in MA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Very small. Very easy.
Name: Brenda Johnson
Review: I have bought and enjoyed a lot of Artifact puzzles, but for some reason this continues to be one of my favorites that I have put together many times, any time of year. I love the style of Iwona Lifsches, and the size of this puzzle is just right for a fun challenge that doesn’t take too long to complete.
Name: Melissa
Review: I agree with the previous reviewer - this little puzzle is an absolute delight. It was fun to do with the whole family - very sweet, not overly taxing, good for sharing with your non-puzzling family members. And as always, Artifact puzzles are fun to do again, and again, and again. I don't think I could say that about puzzles from anyone else but Artifact. Anyway, this is the perfect little holiday puzzles. Enjoy!
Name: Michael Fox
Review: This puzzle is delightful. The art and the cut are playful and full of the season. Lots of whimsies. We loved it so much that we impulsively gave our copy away to a young couple for their first Artifact Puzzle. I'm having separation anxiety and questioning the axiom that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Well, okay, only sort of. But, I do hope it will be restocked one day in the near future so we can replace our copy! Congratulations you all on a crazy 2017, full of new and wondrous puzzles!