Yes, we are running out-of-stock this month.
But we expect to have around 50 more diverse puzzles in-stock in January of all sizes, so if you don't like our current selection, despair not, just come back in 3-5 weeks for more!
Gifting? Consider a digital gift card fro $10-$500, no expiration date, and they can choose their own adventure come January.
Also a great gift option - our puzzle club membership ($195 for 6 months or $360 for 12 months) lets them borrow unlimited puzzles from our library of 400 different wooden jigsaw puzzles from 20 different puzzle makers!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for keeping us all stocked up with great puzzles in 2020! For me, these have helped me through boredom, anxiety, and feeling like I have some control to solve problems during a crazy year. Happy Holidays to all of you at Artifact Puzzles!
I am looking forward to this!
I have no doubt I am not the only one!