Two brand-new puzzles will be in stock soon:
- Jonik's Rapunzel is a great puzzle to get tangled up in, with great art and another fantastic design by Tara Flannery including maybe one of the cutest whimsies ever created.
- Mystery Puzzle #14 is... a mystery! Sorry, no secrets spoiled here.
Also, expect another update on puzzle availability later on in the week once things are finalized!
Edit: As Sue noted, puzzle dimensions are useful and in most cases won't spoil much, so we've updated all our mystery puzzle product pages with the sizes of the final assembled puzzle. In this case, Mystery Puzzle #14 is 11" by 16.5"
I love the no secrets spilled concerning Mystery Puzzle #14…but could you please divulge the puzzle dimensions in terms of length and width? 180 square inches could be 18×10 or 20×9....or many other combinations. Thanks