Warning! Macabre monsters below!
Wanted to share this great 2019 painting by Joe Vaux - we just found out the original is available (
$4500, 24" x 18", email
sales@wowxwow.com) if you got an empty bit of wall that needs some spicing up.
We'll be surveying this one to see if people think it would make a fun puzzle, but feel free to leave a comment if you're interested:
I love his work, please make into a puzzle
I really like his work – so would be really interested in this as a puzzle. I already have one other puzzle of his. Would be great with as an ecrue with bone & scull connectors. I would also like if the message in a bottle became available- I’ve been hoping it would as I’d like to purchase-
I would love to have this as a puzzle!
His works are just so crazy and unique. Love them!
I would love a puzzle in this!