Customer sszelc sent us this photo of her artifact puzzle collection assembled as a Jenga tower, and we wanted to share how lovely it looks!
We're delighted, as long as the pieces don't fall out from a structural challenge in the tower - those gnomes could have a lot of cleaning up to do!
Dear Alan,
Its always a task to pick a “favorite” Artifact Puzzle (they are all so good and I have yet to be disappointed)…but I would have to concur with you…the 4 Color Puzzle would be on top of the list. The cut of the pieces and just their shapes reminded me so much of something that MC Escher would have his hand in. And yes, that 4 color theorem had me doubting it authenticity several times while building. It is a fantastic puzzle to rebuild time and time again. Now #2 would be the Mechanical Griffin. It held such a delightful surprise…wouldn’t want to ruin it for anyone, so hush, I won’t explain. I kept thinking there must be missing pieces then I was thinking there must be extra pieces! You need more than half of a mechanical brain to bring that particular puzzle together!!!
Dear Sszelc,
What was your favorite. I liked the 4 color puzzle, thought it had me doubting the 4 color map theorem at one point.