Stumpcraft Puzzles - Julie deBoer Badlands To The Bone Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 139.00


This is a really hard 551 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle.  Made by Stumpcraft Puzzles in Canada. Stumpcraft Puzzles are cut from 1/4” Eco Gold MDF and they print their images directly on the wood resulting in rich colors with a matte finish (so low glare). 

Each Stumpcraft puzzle is unique, with a puzzle design themed to each puzzle by owner Jasen Robillard. This puzzle has very irregular piece shapes, mostly knob connectors, and a straight edge. It has lots of whimsies and large multi-piece whimsies celebrating the dinosaurs and people of the Badlands. 

This puzzle is really hard for its piece count.

Made in Canada.

Dimensions: 40cm x 33cm

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Connie in CA - Review from the Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: I found parts of this puzzle difficult because of the many pieces that were needed and the colors were tricky to figure out at once. It was satisfying in the end.
Name: Naomi in CA - Review from the Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: A zillion whimsies in this one, including a lot of multiple piece whimsies. AND there's an alternate solution (where you use some puzzle pieces to make something else), which is fun. I found this puzzle a bit hard, but I do puzzles without the picture, and I tend to take whimsies out and put them color side down to enjoy them until it's obvious where they fit ... so I am making it hard for myself.
Name: Michael in WA - Review from the Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: A paleontologist’s delight, lots of dinosaur bones. I found it of average difficulty. The color line cutting adds some difficulty but the variety of scenery and the unusual shapes balance it out, if you’re stuck in one area you can still make progress somewhere else.
Name: Neil Howell
Review: This was a challenging puzzle. Scored a 44 difficulty for me. (Sec/piece). Nothing was straight forward in solving. There are a lot of whimsies, but offered little help in solving because of where they were cut and the pieces around them were cut. Will not be disappointed.
Name: Timothy Wright
Review: This puzzle by far is my favorite Stumpcraft and has the distinction of the one puzzle I most frequently gift. It is an immensely rewarding puzzle to work on. Jasen once told me: “I don’t make any easy puzzles, they bore me.” Call this exhibit “A” for the defense of Jasen. Neither will this puzzle bore you, the quality of print directly on the wood is just stunning. The many elaborate multi piece whimsies are so rewarding to sort out. One does actually repeatedly explore for dinosaur skeletons in the process of working out the puzzle and every discovery is so clever and gratifying. Jasen has a habit of breaking the rules, he sometimes cuts on color lines, pieces can be in a range of sizes. I remember searching for one piece to complete an edge only to discover three small pieces filled the vacancy. Forgive and move on. A mutual professional respect develops between puzzle architect and constructor. You know you are being messed with in a benign way, however the doing is just so satisfying. You know that if you stick with it, this is a puzzle you can finish. As I worked on this puzzle my very puzzle talented cleaning lady had her hawk eye on working the puzzle next. Next week I mentioned that I sent the puzzle to friend and I almost had a rebellion. I had to clarify that I purchased a second copy for my friend. Yes, she can still borrow my copy. I could never treat her so badly as to give “her copy” away. Among many 100’s of wooden jigsaw puzzles that I have enjoyed; this puzzle is top of the heap as flypaper. Any fellow wooden jigsaw puzzle aficionado observing this puzzle in play will quickly know that they absolutely need to work this puzzle on their own. It is irresistible. Jigsaw cocaine made out of 1/4” Eco Gold MDF.