Ecru Puzzles - Odilon Redon Pandora Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 50.00


This is a 152 piece Ecru wooden jigsaw puzzle of "Pandora" by Odilon Redon. The mythic design by Chandler Millwood consists of a storm of varied piece shapes and connectors and has a panoply of Greek mythology themed whimsies, and a mostly-straight edge. 

This is from our Ecru line that has matte images that are easier on the eyes. 

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a small blue box with magnetic clasp.

5" by 11.75"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released June 2022

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Write a Review

Name: Melanie, CA
Review: While smaller than others, this puzzle was fantastic. Had to solve it from the outside inward, such that the last piece was the very center and it was a great "Aha!" moment. I raved about this puzzle design to everyone I spoke to for about a week afterward, specifically how the construction and pieces relate to the theme of the picture. Very artistic.
Name: Martha
Review: Wow! This Ecru is a stunner! I loved every minute I spent with these dreamy colors. Chandler Millwood worked a little bit of magic pairing the design to the image. Majestic in diminutive form, utterly enjoyable — nothing like the trouble she let out of that box!