Ecru Puzzles - Emily Carr Tanoo Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This is a 117 piece Ecru wooden jigsaw puzzle of "Tanoo" by Canadian post-Impressionist Emily Carr. Our Ecru puzzles line is characterized by a closer cut and a matte finish to reduce glare. Jef Bambas' cleverly connects the painting's content with the puzzle's design, with a diversity of hook connectors, themed whimsies, and zig-zag edge. This puzzle's difficulty is about average. Like all our puzzles, made of 1/4" thick laser-cut wood and made in the USA. Packaged in a blue box with a magnetic clasp.

Formerly Mystery Puzzle #2

6.5" by 10"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Gail D.
Review: What a delight! Loads of fun to assemble. Challenging but not frustrating, beautiful and .... surprising!
Name: Barb
Review: I was hoping this was going to turn out to be the picture I thought it was...and it is. Really cool subject and art style. Beautiful colors. Not that difficult but hard enough to keep you entertained. I have no idea how long it took me to complete...I don't usually get big chunks of time to work on the puzzles (something that makes these smaller ones wonderful to have on hand). I'm getting addicted!
Name: slugbiker
Review: fun puzzle. clever piece design. nice whimsies. not that difficult.
Name: susan kaput
Review: Loved this! Although I didn't peek at the image, I recognized the artist from the one piece you showed us - I have seen a lot of this artist's work and love it. Very difficult initially, but slowly got easier about halfway through. I really enjoyed the puzzle, especially the surprise! Good job, Artifact/Ecru. I'd like to see more of this artist's work as puzzles.
Name: Hronir Jones
Review: Absolutely splendid design, these folks do know what they are doing. Went a bit too fast at 117 pieces, but it was a good size and easy to do with the neighbor kids, and will pass this one around as it's too fun not to share.