Ecru Puzzles - Aaron Wolf Twilight Treehouse Of The Phosphorescent Forest Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 115.00 Sold out


This is a 426 piece Ecru wooden jigsaw puzzle of the loquaciously-named and beautiful "Twilight Treehouse of the Phosphorescent Forest" by Aaron Wolf. Our Ecru puzzles line has matte images that are easier on the eyes. The puzzle design by Jef Bambas has split tendril connector pieces, with a unique irregular edge, and just a few themed whimsies to keep this puzzle really hard. The pieces are a bit smaller than our average puzzle pieces. This is on the easier-end of our hardest puzzles. 

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in USA.

10.75" by 15.5"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Mary in CA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Challenging pattern!
Name: Linda in AZ - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Diagonal split tendrils...yikes!! Oh just go for it!!!
Name: Dorrit in OH - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: I opened the box and my first thought was: “oh no, not another one like that”. Glad I took it out of the box and made it after all. It wasn’t as bad as the Van Gogh “in the trees” (?)Puzzle. I Agree with the comments above about the dark parts. Hard puzzle but doable
Name: Jennifer in NC - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Almost--but not quite--difficult enough not to be fun. It was really satisfying to finish, however!
Name: JM in CA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Harder than I thought it would be but I enjoyed it!