Artifact Puzzles - Vikram Madan North Star Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 110.00


Here's an adventurous 480 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring "North Star" by contemporary artist Vikram Madan. Designed by Tara Flannery, this puzzle features multiple connector types, a straight edge, and elaborate themed multi-piece whimsies. This one is tougher than average with extra-small pieces, so be ready to face some tentacle difficulties!

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our standard unfinished pine wood box. Made in USA.

11" by 15"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Erin in CA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Fun, bright, interesting - lots of pink though, which makes it challenging!
Name: Sonya, MD
Review: This is a beautiful puzzle with vibrant colors and an interesting puzzle cut. It was challenging, bordering on frustrating at times, but I felt great satisfaction in finishing it!
Name: Shani
Review: Completely charming. The picture, the colors, and the whimsical creatures made this a pleasure to do. The lower half was easier than the top and I loved the cutting style at the bottom that echoed the picture itself, as well as the little monster whimsies. Only complaint I have is that the cut at the top of the puzzle breaks up the elves' faces so that you can't see the picture well at all in that section. Overall, lots of fun.