Artifact Puzzles - Savery Noah Ark Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This is a 160 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of the 17th century Flemish rendering of Noah's Ark by Jacob Savery the Younger. The painting is densely packed with animals, and the puzzle features some themed animal figural pieces, earlet connectors, and a straight edge (puzzle design by Kathryn Flocken). This puzzle has a straight edge and average difficulty rating. Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from quarter inch thick wood. Packaged in a small blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

10" x 7"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Estherlee Davenport
Review: lots of fun and beauty. interesting puzzle piece shapes.
Name: Martha
Review: I really appreciate Artifact's choice of this image. The Biblical account of Noah preparing for the flood paints a vivid picture and Savery has given us a detailed and very charming 17th century naturalistic rendition; made all the more so for including animals I imagine he had never personally observed. I'm not sure if the animals in the foreground get to go along, though I hope they do. I especially like how he's gathered the birds together in that foreboding swarm. The animals know the time has come. The neighbors, on the other hand, ignoring the impending doom, dance on...I guess that's what you call missing the boat! I'm glad I didn't miss this charming little puzzle.