Artifact Puzzles - Joe Vaux Grass is Greener Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This philosophical 154 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Joe Vaux's painting "Grass is Greener" reminds us danger lurks for every cute bunny just trying to get a carrot. 

The puzzle was designed by the wonderful Tara Flannery, this puzzle contains bone shaped pieces and connectors and other terrifying themed whimsy pieces and a spooky irregular edge. NOTE: The irregular edge is not shown in the image on the box! This horrifying puzzle is packed full of the daily nutritional requirement of (calci)-Yum!

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a small blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

7" by 10.75"

Difficulty: Kind of hard puzzles

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

IS IT A GIFT? Write who it's from in the Company line of the shipping address (up to 30 characters), e.g. From Uncle Sam

Write a Review

Name: Lisa, VT
Review: Not really that hard. A fun puzzle, if you like Joe Vaux weirdness. (I do!)
Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: I love Joe Vaux’s art so it was non negotiable to get this one. What’s better than a giant creepy spider deciding how to get to cute bunnies that I assume he plans on eating? Showing the finished puzzle and all the bones to your friends that don’t like spiders.
Name: Piankatank
Review: Bravo! to the designer of this puzzle. The whimsy pieces have a wit that matches the art of the puzzle. It is a very well designed and challenging small puzzle.
Name: The Idaho Puzzler
Review: Who doesn’t love a rabid bunny on a bridge? Or a satanic spider waiting for its next victim? This puzzle is a smaller size, but surprisingly difficult for what it is. Super fun and the 9 year old boy who received it has put it together multiple times. Fun for the whole family.