Artifact Puzzles - David Teniers Temptation Of St. Anthony Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 59.00


This is a 210 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring David Teniers the Younger's oil painting, Temptation of St. Anthony. Designed by David Figueiras, this puzzle features an elaborate irregular top edge and a bunch of whimsies and geometric shapes. St. Anthony was able to resist temptation but will you be able to do the same with this elegant and fun jigsaw puzzle? NOTE: The whimsical irregular edge with drop-outs is not shown in the image on the box! The puzzle has an average difficulty. 

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

10.75" by 8.5"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Kris, CA
Review: The cut and design of the puzzle is gorgeous. And the artwork is so chock full of bizarre little details, which made it really entertaining. (FYI, the top-middle edge of the puzzle is flatter than you'd expect.)
Name: Lorinda, CA
Review: A lovely little puzzle- enjoy the patterns the piece edges make when finished
Name: Pearl, CA
Review: So beautiful and very cool top edge
Name: Jae
Review: This puzzle was a different style than what I had typically bought. The artwork was beautiful and the shapes of the pieces and the shape of the puzzle itself really convinced me to give it a try. The quality of the puzzle is really excellent (no surprises here, this is a great merchant) and the final look was really cool. I had a great time doing this puzzle with my mom and she really loved it too. I will keep trying different art styles going forward!
Name: Timothy Wright
Review: I like a whole lot about the puzzle. First I have a devotion to Abba Anthony, who lived in the Egyptian desert not medieval Europe. He is one of my favorite spiritual authors. But I love all the medieval artistic sensibilities. To be honest I think the wanton harlot is rather tame by today's risque standards. It is hard to tell but her feet are not human, whoa, watch out! All the grotesque distortions are red flags warning us sinners: "Danger, Danger Will Robinson." This illustrates a spiritual truth. The most striking visual puzzle feature is the structural and symmetrical cut of the pieces which I think is uber cool. It didn't help me much during the process, but looking back, I love the hell out of it. Odd however that the wanton harlot is the focal point as opposed to the saint? 210 pieces in 150 minutes, seems like I flew through the process. It does not feel that way. I also did a time lapse video of this puzzle. Something structured like this is very different than a grid based design process wise. In this example I built the sky first, then all the red items, then worked out from the focal point. One can find all the bizarre details, group and place them which I suspect is the productivity key. Working without looking at the box, (I don't do that) would be a real interesting endeavor. My photo does not do the original artwork justice. All the detail one needs to become familiar with is printed out clear and very legible. It is possible that everyone who reads this may not be huge fan of medieval religious art. So be it, buy this puzzle for for the fun, which is abundantly fun freely given to all.