Artifact Puzzles - Jethro Buck Fishies Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 94.00 Sold out


This is a challenging 355 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of "Fishies" by Jethro Buck, who is a contemporary British painter trained in traditional Indian and Persian miniature painting techniques.  

The puzzle design by Ashley Boyd consists of split tendril pieces with a wavy border and smattering of themed whimsies. This puzzle is very difficult thanks to the art and the split tendril connector pieces (see the product photos to see how those connect - they stay together well, but they are a bit harder to figure out than ordinary connector pieces). Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in the USA.

11.5" by 17.25"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released Nov 2021

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Write a Review

Name: Sally in FL - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: This is a real challenge! Keep going!!
Name: Lyndsey in WI - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Between the split tendrils and the repeated fish, this is quite a doozy of a puzzle! It's not as hard as those puzzles that are all one color or anything like that, but boy howdy--it is tricky. Try not to make a joke about 'not making heads or tails' of it until about halfway through, or you will get tired of the joke days before you're done.
Name: Betsy, CA
Review: This puzzle schooled me! A truly challenging combination of design and depiction. If it weren't for the whimsies and the tiny clownfish and other oddballs among the larger look-alikes, I might have failed entirely. At first glance this puzzle appears to support the popular notion that fish are simple animals, interchangeable with others of the same species, devoid of personality. But this idea is misguided — for the fish in this puzzle, and for living fish as well. Science has shown that fish are full of personality: zebrafish can be introverts or extroverts; you can guess the social rank of a rainbow fish based on his personality; shy sticklebacks are less predictable than bold ones. And, upon closer inspection, each of the schooling fish in Jethro Buck’s painting is a unique individual. It was those differences that kept me from a failing grade. Though the fish — perhaps a species of seabream — almost all have adorably optimistic expressions on their little fish faces, their appearance is quite variable: some are spottier, some are stripier, some fins are more brown while others are pinkish, there are chubby ones, flashy ones, elegant ones, and dorky ones. Those little quirks kept me going, despite Alison Boyd’s devilish split-tendril puzzle design. I do enjoy a difficult puzzle, so for me, the frustration was easily outweighed by the fun. And the extra time required for this one gave me the opportunity to ponder piscine personality.
Name: Gina, MD
Review: Agree that this is a hard puzzle, but doable. Odd shapes pieces and small fish helped.
Name: Kayla, NY
Review: Definitely doable, but hard!! I had fun with it and thank goodness there were some whimsies. Those helped a lot.