Artifact Puzzles - Hokusai Dragon Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 34.00


This 81 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle is challenging because the puzzle is cut so that any two pieces can fit together (non-unique connectors!), and there are a number of false edge and corner pieces, so you really have to pay attention to whether the image detail lines up (but it's crisp and clear!).

The dragon was created by Japanese woodblock artist Hokusai (famous for his Great Wave image), we believe around 1830. 

This puzzle has a straight edge and no whimsy pieces.

All our puzzles are made with 1/4" thick wood in the USA. Packaged in a small box with a magnetic clasp. Warning: puzzle pieces are a choking hazard for small children

  • 81 pieces
  • 7" x 7"
  • laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA
  • Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Diane D
Review: Hellooo little dragon! With 81 pieces how hard could it be? A lot harder than you'd think! Many times pieces would fit together, but not be correct. I did the puzzle without looking at the picture, and it took me about an hour. It was an enjoyable hour with lots of twists and turns just like the beady-eyed dragon.
Name: heyeliza
Review: We received this puzzle yesterday and loved it! Smaller challenging puzzles are fun and kids worked on it twice. Please make more of these smaller puzzles, how about one for the Year of the Tiger?
Name: RCB
Review: I join the accolades of others of the beauty and surprising challenge of this small puzzle. I also enjoyed the cut designer's matching the twists of the dragon with a twist on a traditional cut: instead of only the usual four pieces with adjoining straight sides (the corners), this puzzle has eleven pieces with two adjoining straight sides, one with three adjoining straight sides, and other straight sides scattered throughout. Nice!
Name: Lucinda
Review: Delightful! surrounded by storm-tossed waves, a Reptilian beast with Adorable eyes floats in a Gem-colored sea of ruby red. Only 81 pieces yet still challenging and entertaining, i have No hesitation in recommending this charming little puzzle!
Name: Erica
Review: Great fun! Had a lot of fun the next day doing an inside out version! Thanks for the great diversion.