Artifact Puzzles - August Macke Turkish Cafe Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 116.00


A colorful 478 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring German Expressionist August Macke's painting "Turkish Cafe." Designed by Matt Lyon, this puzzle boasts an impressive number of themed whimsies, and many different style connectors. The puzzle has a straight edge but its patterns and the art make it harder than average. This little Turkish Cafe looks like the most idyllic place to spend an afternoon with your favorite tea and this puzzle. This puzzle has a straight edge.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our standard unfinished pine wood box. Made in USA. 

11" x 19"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Erin, CA
Review: Just loved it!
Name: Tricia, CA
Review: Really neat geometrical layout with Turkish whimsies.
Name: Susan, Ma
Review: Jigsaw design is particularly well done on this puzzle
Name: Isabelle
Review: As a side note, Michael Fox, (see comment below): I ALWAYS think I am missing pieces in a new puzzle. Midway through, I am fuming and just about to call customer service, and yes! everything is alright, no piece is missing. What a pleasure to contemplate this painting. Like Van Gogh and Paul Klee, all coming from Northern countries, I can imagine the shock these guys experienced when they first discovered the light and the colors in the south. It translates in the joyful and bubbly color choices: complementary orange and purple, pink and green, blue and yellow. With the framing of a tree trunk on the right, it looks as if we are entering a private and secluded place, an oasis in the shade with a chair ready to welcome you. Now, let's talk about the amazingly beautiful grid engineered by Matt Lyon, which reflects the slow dance of swirling dervishes featured in the whimsies. It is elevating and spiritual. Whimsies are an homage to Turkey (Galata tower in Istanbul: checked! Turkish flag: checked! and more). On a sad note, August Macke died the same year he made this painting, during WWI. He was only 27 years old, I wish he could have continued to delight us with his art. This painting looks a an Ode to Joy, a life affirming legacy. We all need more of that.
Name: Hronir Jones
Review: I don't usually do puzzles this big, but was pleasantly surprised to find it easy to get going on, and it never got too hard, but it never felt too easy either, so I felt I got my money's worth as it took me a week of relaxed afternoon puzzling. I prefer connectors that are a bit bigger, but that's a personal matter. The colors were rich and the puzzle design had enough interesting whimsies and connectors to keep me engaged.