Artifact Puzzles - Bek Cruddace British Isles Map Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 116.00 Sold out


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This is a charming 493 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Bek Cruddace's map of the British isles. The colorful image is more like a map you might see in a tourist pamphlet than a traditional map, and both Bek Cruddace's art and Matt Lyon's design have sparkled the map with scores of emblematic buildings, animals, and more. Being both fanciful and distinctly British, this fairly difficult puzzle should be enjoyable for all. This puzzle has a straight edge.

16" by 11.25"

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in USA.

 Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Karen, NH
Review: This puzzle would have been great if it was at least 1/3 bigger - it was too difficult to read the words at this size.
Name: Gina, MD
Review: Puzzle was a nice challenge. I did not use the figure to help solve and realized that I don't know the British Isles as well as I thought!
Name: Isabelle
Review: In A.J. Jacobs' latest book titled "The Puzzler", (highly recommended, as usual for Jacobs: very documented and entertaining at the same time) there is an origin found to the art of puzzle: "Most historians believe the first puzzles were created by a British mapmaker named John Spilsbury. Sometime around 1760, Spilsbury glued a paper map onto a wooden board and carved up the countries. [...] Spilsbury sold his "dissected maps" to British nobility as a geographic aid." Aha! So here I am, not British nobility but certainly in need of some geographic aid. And learning I did! Yes, for example, Jurassic Coast?! Limerick is a real city?! There is a Bristol Channel?! Etc. This puzzle is full of whimsies and really fun and interesting to assemble.
Name: Puzzlemom
Review: I’m working this British map puzzle as I watch/listen to all the coverage of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a favorite puzzle that I’ve worked many times. I enjoy the large piece count without too much difficulty in completing it. I especially enjoy the abundance of UK whimsies!
Name: Cynthia Magnuson
Review: This was more challenging than I expected and had more whimsies than other Artifact Puzzles I've done. Brought back fun memories of tramping around London after college. Took me about four afternoons, with a little pecking at it in-between times.