Artifact Puzzles - Monet Chrysanthemums Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 75.00


This is a 262 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of "Chrysanthemums" by Claude Monet. The puzzle's design by Ashley Boyd consists mainly of split tendril connector pieces, with a few whimsies, and a super-fancy floral top edge. Like other split tendril puzzles, this one is quite a challenge!

Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in USA.

10.25" by 15"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released June 2022

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Write a Review

Name: Peg in MA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: The cut makes it difficult. Whimseys help, though. Harder than you'd think for the number of pieces.
Name: Megan in IL - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Given that it's split-tendril, it's pretty easy - there's a LOT of whimsies that you can start with, and the colors are nicely clumped. I'm not sure I'll ever find a split-tendril puzzle truly *fun*, but it's always satisfying to do one.
Name: Tricia, CA
Review: The impressionist image made this really tough!
Name: Leslie, VA
Review: Despite a picture that didn't turn me on, the uneven borders and split tendril pieces made this puzzle very challenging and especially fun. I enjoyed this.
Name: Kara M.
Review: Loved this puzzle and challenging until the end. Not the hardest split tendril I've done, but with omitting the whimsies until the end I got 7.5 hours (straight, don't judge!) completion time. At $10/hour that's a bargain!