Artifact Puzzles - Klimt Lady With Fan Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 44.00


This 161 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle features the famous Lady With Fan painting by Gustav Klimt, painted shortly before Klimt's death in 1918, and which sold at auction for $108 million in 2023. 

The puzzle pieces have extra exuberant swirly decorative piece shapes, designed by Seattle artist Tara Flannery, inspired by the style of the master hand-cutter John Stokes. There are no figural whimsies. 

This puzzle has a straight edge and we rate it average difficulty for our puzzles with this piece count.

Artifact Puzzles are laser-cut from 1/4" wood.

This puzzle comes packaged in our signature blue box with a magnetic clasp.

Made in USA.

  • 161 pieces
  • 9" x 9"
  • Laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released July 2023

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Write a Review

Name: Gary H
Review: I think I could stare at this picture for hours and still be lost in wonder. There's just so much going on in this picture. I'm never really sure what to think of most Gustav Klimt paintings, but this one really stands out among his works, and was one of his last ones. The piece design follows in the same vein as the picture, with pieces that tend to swirl around each other. A lot of the swirl connectors even have little fan blade bumps which is pretty unique. There's no whimsies in this puzzle, but it never really feels like you're missing anything because there's so many other details to get lost in. The difficulty is about average for this one, with the unique pieces and touches of different colors everywhere helping to match the pieces together. Altogether this is another fantastic puzzle from Artifact that combines some amazing artwork and top notch piece design. Highly recommended!
Name: Huge Klimt Fan
Review: Don't laugh, but I have a couple other puzzles with this image, but this one has both the most beautiful version of the artwork and incredibly beautiful pieces.
Name: Hronir Jones
Review: Exuberant pieces indeed! Enjoyed this with the neighbor girl who adores Klimt with some fresh lemonade on the front porch. It lasted about one and a half glasses of lemonade, which was about as long as she was going to hang out with her old neighbor at any rate. I did it again myself after dinner and am leaving it out for a while. It's easy to get going with and quite beautiful as puzzles go, I'll put it out for my next visitor too.