Artifact Puzzles - Henri Charles Manguin Les Renoncules Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 50.00 Sold out


This 173 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Henri Charles Manguin's 1941 painting Les Renoncules has an extra-cheery puzzle design by Ashley Boyd with sweet whimsies, and is a bit hard due to an irregular edge that gives a decorative framing to the image, with some heart-shaped drop-outs to accentuate the framing look. NOTE: The irregular edge is not shown in the image on the box! Overall, the distinct color regions but slightly-tricky edge make for a puzzle that is average hard. 

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA (specifically, in Port Townsend, Washington). 

7.75" by 11.75"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released February 2022

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Write a Review

Name: Rebecca in MA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Pretty colors add to the enjoyment of this little puzzle.
Name: Isabelle
Review: Exquisite impressionistic painting, exquisite puzzle. The irregular edges and the drop-outs add a little kick to make it a tad more challenging, but thanks to symmetry: totally manageable. Vibrant colors (this warm orangey yellow tablecloth gives you a shot of Vitamin D!) and the elegant doily-like edge turns the completed puzzle into a beautiful artifact (*wink wink*).
Name: Gail D. from Minnesota
Review: Yep, the irregular edge makes it a bit hard. But once you realize that the photo on the box lid won't be any help, it goes together easier. Beautiful floral puzzles are my weakness, especially in late March in northern Minnesota, where we just got 6 plus inches of wet, sloppy snow. No joke. No live flowers here for 2 months ... I must order another puzzle.