Artifact Puzzles - Paul Bond Sentinels Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00 Sold out


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This is a 483 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of the painting Sentinels by Paul Bond.

The puzzle design by Tara Flannery has themed whimsies and multi-piece whimsies watching out for you, and curvy irregular piece shapes with reverse mushroom curl connectors. The puzzle is average difficulty. 

This puzzle has a mostly straight edge with just a touch of whimsical edge (so if you think you are missing piece, note your final edge will not be 100% straight!)

Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut. Packaged in our 3" wood box with a small image of the puzzle on top, and engraved side label. 

Made in USA.

11.75" by 17"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released November 2022

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Write a Review

Name: Sandra, CA
Review: I kept thinking there's a piece or 2 missing. In the end: ah ha!
Name: Tricia, CA
Review: There's enough variation in the image, even in the sky, to keep this puzzle fairly easy for its piece count. You'll also find many sentinel-themed whimsies.
Name: Rhonda, OR
Review: What a fun and whimsical puzzle!
Name: Rosemary.R
Review: Wow. This puzzle was not a disappointment in any way. I loved it tremendously . It has everything. Heaps of glorious whimsy characters from humans to animals. Had fun standing them upright on my puzzle at the end to see them in their glory on my puzzle. Love the knight on his horse. Even though this picture is of simple character the artwork is nothing short of breathtaking. Paul Bonds artwork is just beautiful and pictures can speak a thousand words. In Sentinels the elephant is the star of the show keeping watch on his tower of rocks. The puzzle has a really good cut and is quite easy to put together once you get a run on.. Its just the blue sky can be a bit more thought provoking. A big thumbs up for Maya and the team on this puzzle. But beware !!!! Please do not be like me folks. I got to the end of the puzzle and thought oh no there is pieces missing!!!. I searched for about half an hour looking in all areas of home double checking, even got my trusty torch out and was down on all fours to check under the furniture. These darling bits of woodwork have a way of ending up anywhere if you drop a piece. Well double thumbs up for Maya and the team on this twist. I decided to go back to the puzzle as I had given up. I thought yes we have missing pieces and then it hit me in the face. A fresh perspective was in front of my eyes. We have drop outs. The image was so clear. Walking away was the best thing I could do. No missing pieces folks. A beautiful twist to the puzzle on the right hand corner. I wont give anything away but I loved it. You have to buy this one. The image is beautiful and Maya and the team have did another brilliant job on the cut of this puzzle and bringing beautiful artwork into our homes. Thankyou Maya and the team!