Artifact Puzzles - Marie Amalia In The Jungle Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00


This wooden jigsaw puzzle has 402 pieces and is a highly-detailed, beautiful and colorful jungle scene by Marie Amalia. 

The puzzle is average hard for our puzzles: it has a straight edge, square-ish pieces with diverse connectors, and robust animal whimsies  (some animals are one-piece whimsies, but some animals are hiding out as multi-piece whimsies that you might not spot at first!)

The puzzle was designed by Gema Palacios and David Figueiras. 

Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut.

Packaged in a wood box with sliding lid, small picture of the image on top, and engraved side label.

Made in the USA (specifically, in Port Townsend, Washington).

  • 402 pieces
  • 12" x 14.5" 
  • laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released April 30, 2023

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Write a Review

Name: erica in CA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: I did this one with my partner and every piece was an absolutely joy. Highly recommend for the fun factor and the vibrant color!
Name: Michael in WA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: This is way too easy to be fun, no challenge at all.