Artifact Puzzles - Qiu Ying Han Palace Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00


This is a 423 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of a 16th century Chinese painting of a palace and its inner life (not all of the image is shown here, but it is is all shown on the box).

The puzzle comes together in three panels, each 17" long, and the panels can be matched end-to-end if you have a large table, or stacked as rows if your table is not-so-big.

The image has many rich details, and was painted in the 16th century by Qiu Ying.

The puzzle (designed by Tara Flannery) has a grid of regular pieces (including a straight edge for each panel) punctuated by Chinese-themed whimsy pieces (to see example pieces, click on the little picture below the main picture), and Chinese-themed connectors. This puzzle is harder than average.

Like all our puzzles, this puzzle is laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood and made in the USA. Packaged in an unfinished pine wood box.

  • 423 pieces
  • 3 panels sized 17" x 3.5" each, you can stack them or concatenate them depending on your table size
  • laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Dorrit, OH
Review: I really liked this puzzle. At first it seems overwhelming but soon enough you can pick up on the differences between the 3 panels.
Name: Michael Brandt
Review: This is pretty neat I think. I did it without ever looking at the box picture and knowing only that it had 3 panels but not how they were arranged, horizontally or vertically. Also, at least on the copy I had, some of the monochrome lighter colored pieces look almost exactly the same right side up or upside down. It turned out that I had 1 piece upside down all the time I was working on it and towards the end I was sure there was a piece missing. At the end though I still had that hole but also had an extra piece that clearly would not fit - until I turned it over that is. In general it is pleasingly hard but not frustratingly difficult; it took me a bit over 6 hours, and it’s a nice picture too.