Artifact Puzzles - Joe Vaux Breach Of Contract Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 70.00


The image of this 268 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle shows playfully-monstrous forces of evil stampeding onto the green pastures of scared circus bunnies, brain-trees, and cartoonish mountain goats. Like our other puzzle by LA artist Joe Vaux (Fishing Village), this puzzle has puzzle pieces designed especially for this puzzle by Joe Vaux (to see example puzzle pieces for this puzzle, click the small picture under the big picture above). This puzzle has a straight edge and average difficulty. Some may recognize Joe Vaux's style from his work as an illustrator for the show "Family Guy." All our puzzles are made of 1/4" thick real wood in the USA. This puzzle is packaged in a pine wood box.

  • 268 pieces
  • 14.5" x 10"
  • laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Robert in WA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Least satisfactory of all the puzzles I have completed so far
Name: Michael, WA
Review: This is far too easy to be interesting.
Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: Ah, another creepy image by Joe Vaux. We love his images and need more! Always interesting artwork, things you wouldn't decorate your house with but secretly love and work them as puzzles. The monster whimseys were a great choice.