Ecru Puzzles - Ton Dubbeldam Carpe Diem Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 110.00


This is a 354-piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of "Carpe Diem" by Dutch painter Ton Dubbeldam. The puzzle design by Jef Bambas has fancy split tendril connector pieces on radial grids. These puzzle pieces are extra-large for robustness, with just a sprinkling of whimsies to keep this a really hard puzzle.

Our Ecru puzzles line is characterized by a closer cut and a matte finish to reduce glare.

This puzzle is extra-expensive because it is extra-difficult to make!

Like all our puzzles, made of 1/4" thick laser-cut wood and made in the USA (specifically in Port Townsend, Washington).  Packaged in our standard pine wood box.

11" by 22"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released January 2022

Write a Review

Name: Diane, FL
Review: more work than fun, I find a variety of pieces more enjoyable to work with
Name: Lisa, VT
Review: A very enjoyable puzzle! Very similar pieces made it a bit challenging. It's 11" x 21"--might be a bit wider than your smaller puzzle boards.
Name: Michele
Review: I waited and waited for this puzzle to become available and when it finally was I was not disappointed. I was surprised. I was surprised that it was much easier than split tendrils usually are, or as it was described. It flowed along for me with very few staring periods. Even though one of the reasons I love split tendril puzzles is because they are hard, and I love hard puzzles, it was a fun change to work one that I expected to be hard and it moved right along. Awesome puzzle and beautiful when complete.
Name: Claire
Review: Carpe Diem is the very first Ecru puzzle I purchased. Pro: beautiful art and clever back gallery sync very well; fewer whimsies made the puzzle experience challenging but not frustrating. When the last piece dropped into place, I smiled and sighed as if I must say goodbye to a dear friend. Con: minor, if you care about the overall imagery, the laser charred the sky so cut lines are pronounced, but nothing worse than the online close up picture #3. I would buy another Ecru for split tendril design and large robust pieces. Great overall, 5 stars!