Many of our customers know one of our newest puzzles Valencia is available now, but did you know that the original painting by Joaquin Sorolla recently sold for nearly two and a half million dollars by the Sotherby's? It's true! and we are more than ecstatic to also recently add it to our puzzle collection.
Residing in Spain, Sorolla decided at a young age that his surrounding environment would be the source of inspiration for this work: "As a boy growing up in Valencia he had always valued the city’s beaches, and as an artist influenced by the call of the Naturalist painters – Jules Bastien-Lepage in particular – to paint what you know best, the Valencian shoreline and the local fishing community was a compelling theme" ( His love of the beach is brilliantly seen throughout so many of his works and held in high regards through out Spain and beyond.
As for our puzzle, we decided that it would be most appropriate to give the task of designing this puzzles to our Spanish designer, David Figueiras. Here is what he has to say about this designing experience:
Spanish: "Diseñar un puzzle a la altura de la obra del artista español Joaquín Sorolla fue un verdadero desafio para mí. Inspirado en la arquitectura mozárabe e iconos de la cultura y fauna ibérica, este puzzle evoca la multiculturalidad de España resultado de la convivencia de civilizaciones e imperios durante siglos de historia. Este puzzle basado en la pieza "Valencia" de Sorolla, será de gran agrado para todos los amantes de la arquitectura y viajeros que hayan estado o quieran estar en España."
English: "Designing a puzzle as good as the artwork of Spanish artist Joaquín Sorolla was a real challenge for me. Inspired by Mozarabic architecture and icons of Iberian culture and fauna, this puzzle evokes the multiculturalism of Spain resulting from the coexistence of multiple civilizations and empires over many centuries of history. This puzzle based on the piece "Valencia" by Sorolla will be a great pleasure for all fans of architecture and travelers who have been or want to be in Spain."
David Figueiras has only designed a few puzzles with us so far but we love his work and really look forward to the wonderful ideas he has in store for us!
Also, it is worth noting that Valencia is a gorgeous city to visit! Like much of Spain, it is known for its Spanish and Moorish architecture, its oranges (so juicy!), and most recently, its proliferation of escape rooms (which are a sort of group game where you must solve riddles and puzzles to "escape" before the timer runs out). Lets also not forget, those gorgeous beaches that Joaquin Sorolla was immensely inspired by.
Happy Puzzling!