I think we can all agree that dogs are like the most amazing thing ever! The number of benefits of owning a dog is endless - they are fun, love to cuddle, loyal, and there is even research showing that dogs reduce things like stress and depression.
That being said, there is one thing that is a well known enemy of the dog - the puzzle. We get many of our customers asking for replacement pieces to their puzzles because their beloved pets decided they wanted to do their part to finish their newest Artifact Puzzle. You want proof? Well here is a photo of our latest guilty pup:
Yes, we do know that it is hard to stay mad at a gorgeous canine like this one. We just want to put out a friendly reminder that dogs, and especially puppies, love our puzzles just as much as we all do! It may feel like we are denying them a bit of happiness but lets remember to keep the puzzles out of reach of our furry friends. Puzzles are friends, not food!
We would like to thank Kristen for this great photo submission!
Happy Puzzling!