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Find our puzzles in a store near you

We're shipping orders out from Washington state, so if you're on the East Coast, we now recommend you pay the extra $17 for priority shipping, but even so there's a definite...

We're shipping orders out from Washington state, so if you're on the East Coast, we now recommend you pay the extra $17 for priority shipping, but even so there's a definite risk with weather that an order today won't arrive by Xmas.

You may be able to find our puzzles in a store near you - here's a list of all the stores that carry our puzzles. Use Ctrl+F or "Find within Page" to search for a store in your state.  Call first though - they may be out or might not have re-ordered recently.

If you think there's a puzzle store or gift shop near you that ought to be carrying our puzzles, reach out to them (or us at to let them know that!

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