What is the mysterious ancient artifact pictured above, found in a museum in Morocco?
If you were signed up for our email list you just got our Spring 2013 Newsletter, and one of the contests in it was to guess what the above artifact is. Thirty hours after the newsletter went out, customer P.S.L. was the first to guess correctly, winning a free Pursuit of Happiness puzzle.
Most popular guess: an iron
2nd most popular guess: bee keeper equipment
Right answer: it's a mousetrap!
To hear about our next contest (and new puzzles and special sales), sign up for our email newsletter (mailed no more than 4 times a year), by giving us your email address at the end of the survey that pops up when you buy a puzzle from our website (I know, you already tell us your email address when you buy a puzzle, but we need you to do it again so you are explicitly opting-in to our rare and wonderful email newsletter!.