Artifact Puzzles - Angie Rees When Whales Set Sail Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 76.00


This is a 278 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring Angie Rees' "When Whales Set Sail." Designed by Jef Bambas, multi-piece whimsies and multiple connector types are whales of fun in this colorful puzzle.  Its difficulty is average.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in our standard unfinished pine wood box. Made in USA. 

11.5" by 11.5"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: We've somehow missed this puzzle on the website and saw a friend had worked it so we got it from her. This puzzle is relatively easy but really pretty. The large whales it creates are amazing. Loved every minute of this one!
Name: Margaret
Review: This is a very enjoyable, colorful puzzle. There are several multi-piece fish-themed whimsies. A must for any whale lover!
Name: Jeremy
Review: Got this as a gift and was really wowed! Beautiful painting. So colorful! But what really impressed me was the "other" picture...